H. Muhammad Akbar Rasyid, S.Ag., Ph.D.,M.Ed. guides the Self Evaluation Report

  • 02 Februari 2021
  • 12:58 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

The team of Self Evaluation Report is guided by H. Muhammad Akbar Rasyid, S.Ag., Ph.D.,M.Ed. as the Vice Dean of Student Affairs and also as the coordinator for  Student and Partnership part to fill and write the evaluation for all kind of criteria in self evaluation sheets. This activity takes place on 1- 2 February 2021 in the meeting room of Faculty of Adab and Humanity is still part of all accreditation activity for the English and Literature Department. Every team gets the guide and strategy for filling the tasks. He explains that every point in the criterion should be related to the data.

By Helmi Syukur, M.Pd.