Internal Quality
Assurance (AMI: Audit Mutu Internal) team from Quality Assurance Agency
(LPM) UIN Aluddin Makassar examined the
performance indicators that had been produced by the English and Literature
Department for 1 year. It was conducted on December 9th2022 in the department room Faculty of Adab and
Humanities. The auditor who is responsible for auditing the department was Dr. St. Aisyah BM. M.Sos. I accompanied by the head of Quality Assurance Committee (KPM) of
Faculty Adab and Humanities Dr. Nurkhalis.
Based on audit
results, there are some items that should be completed and conducted in order
to fulfill the performance indicators such as the criteria related to
organization system and Cooperation that still do not have standard and
guidance in its implementation. It also needs to carry out survey to find out
the internal and external responses related PPEPP-based Organizational System
in the department and faculty. Besides, there are also documents that should be
added in completing the performance in the department. In any case, the
Internal Quality Assurance which is carried out annually is very important to
develop the performance quality of English and Literature Department. The
department side also hope that the audit result can also become recommendation
for Quality Assurance Agency (LPM) UIN
Alauddin Makassar to develop instrument for CES on those performance indicators.