Community Service in Abnaul Amir Takalar Regency

  • 23 Juni 2023
  • 06:58 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

English and Literature Department UIN Alauddin Makassar had visited Pondok Pesantren Abnaul Amir in Takalar Regency for 2 days started from 23rd  till 24th  June 2023 continuing Community Service which has been already  determined as the fixed program   in this school . This program arranged by the committee in which Dr. Jumharia Djamereng, M.Hum as the chairman of the committee. Thus it was joined by some English and Literature’ students who also were involved as the team.

The activities included English learning and local language revitalization. The participants of the community service were the students of this boarding school. They were taught basic English by the English and Literature student and guided by the lecturers who performed as the speakers. The team presented the English material by using interesting method in order that the students were enthusiastic and motivated to learn English. Since English is  a difficult subject based on the students’ mind, we tried to develop their motivation so they can raise their interest toward English subject.

After that, it was also conducted language survey to know their attitude and their local language use.  Attitude is very influential factor in language preservation. When the students own positive attitude toward their mother tongue they tend to use the language in communicating with others, such as family, friends, teacher, etc. Here, the aim of this activity is to promote the language use of Makassar language as their local language. As it is known that Cultural, Tourism and Education Office always concern about cultural preservation  so English and Literature Department support the government to fulfill the target. Therefore Makassar language as the symbol and identity of Makassar society and also one of cultural heritage that need to preserve by its speakers. (Writer: Jumharia Dj)