The Dean of the Adab and Humanities Faculty officially appointed the New Head and secretary of the English Language and Literature Department

  • 04 Oktober 2023
  • 10:15 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

On Wednesday October 4, 2023- At the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, a major activity has been carried out regarding the change of tenure or it can also be called the inauguration of new positions for the 2023/2027 period, and one of the departments, namely English Language and Literature, has inaugurated the chairman and secretary, namely. Head of department from Dr. Rosma Tami, S.Ag., M.Sc., M.A. replaced Dr. Jumharia Djamereng.M.HUM and secretary of department, Sandra Dewi Dahlan replaced Syahruni Junaid S.S., M.Pd.


This activity is executed in the LT room of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities where the Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Dr. H. Barsihannor, M. Ag officially appointing new officials for 2023-2027, who were also present in today's activity were Vice Rector I UIN Alauddin Makassar Prof. Dr.H kamaluddin Abunawas, M.Ag., deputy dean, head of TU, Lecturers, staff and Students of the Faculty of Adab and humanities.


the Dean In his speech, Dr.H.Barsihannor, M. Ag. Said, "We hope that this newly appointed official can carry out his duties with full responsibility and dedication. The Faculty of Adab and Humanities will continue to strive to provide high quality Education." The inauguration ceremony was solemn and vigorous, marking an important first step in advancing the English Language and Literature department for the better.

Writer: Sandra Dewi Dahlan