Welcoming New Students of 2021

  • 27 Agustus 2021
  • 10:29 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

Faculty of Adab and Humanities, UIN Alauddin Makassar conducted a welcoming program for the new students of 2021. This event was conducted for two days from Thursday to Fruday, 26-27 August 2021. The first day was faculty session, in which a general information regarding the profile of faculty of Adab and Humanities. Besides that, the dean and all vice dean also explained about faculty's policies and programs, such as academic, administration, and student affairs policy. In addition, there was also a motivational speech from the successful alumni of Adab and Humanities faculty.

The second day was department session. On this day, the new students have to join the specific room based on their majors. More than 120 new students of English and Literature Department joined the room. The head of the department, then, explained the profile of the department. It then followed by the information of department laboratory, and finally all lecturers of English and Literature Department introduced themselves to the students.

In addition, the welcoming session also involved the student association of English and Literature Department.

By: Ahmad, M.Litt.