Official Debriefing and Releasing Internship Students of English and Literature Department

  • 28 November 2021
  • 05:17 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

Saturday, 27 November 2021, all internship participants majoring in English and literature participated in the debriefing and releasing internship students, which was opened directly by the dean of the faculty of adab and humanities, Dr. Hasyim Haddade, M.Ag,  also join Head of the Department of English and Literature, Dr. Jumharia Djamereng, M.Hum and Secretary of the Department  Syahruni Junaid, SS, M.Pd as well as a lecturer in the internship course.  Nirwana, S.Pd, M.Pd. This activity consists of several agendas such as remarks and mandates from the dean, obtaining material related to internship ethics as well as literary and linguistic competencies in the world of work. The debriefing and discharge activities are a series of mandatory activities that must be followed by all interns. In addition to some materials, they also received technical guidance on the mechanism for reporting internships and administrative matters that they must complete in implementing the internship.

The English and literature internship program was attended by 115 students spread to 15 government and private institutions in South Sulawesi. Some students are also placed on internships in the media, schools, and courses as well as several hotels scattered in the city of Makassar. Before submitting a letter to the agency, students are asked to conduct a survey of the location of the internship and establish communication with the head of the agency. It is hoped that students can prepare early on all things, both technical and substance. The distribution of internship placements also takes into account the pandemic conditions, some students are placed in their respective districts, especially those outside South Sulawesi province.

Article by Nirwana, M.Pd