Faculty of Adab and Humanities Holds Ramah Tamah for the 108th Cohort

  • 04 Desember 2024
  • 09:34 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

Makassar, December 2, 2024 – The Faculty of Adab and Humanities hosted a ramah tamah at Hotel Claro Makassar to honor the achievements of its 108th cohort of graduates. The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Barsihannor, along with top-performing graduates from all departments under the faculty, including Library Science, Islamic Civilization History, Arabic Language and Literature, and English Language and Literature.

The ceremony highlighted the accomplishments of the top three graduates from the English Language and Literature Department:

  • Fahri S. Hum, Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.81.
  • Rasmi Safitri S. Hum, Sangat Memuaskan with a GPA of 3.82.
  • Andi Muh. Andika Putra Irfan S. Hum, Sangat Memuaskan with a GPA of 3.64.

Held in an elegant setting, the ramah tamah celebrated the dedication and perseverance of the graduates throughout their academic journey. It also reflected the faculty’s commitment to producing exceptional scholars who will contribute to their respective fields and society at large.