Ahmad Muzzammil, The 1st Graduate for the 97th Graduation Event on July 19th, 2023

  • 20 Juli 2023
  • 03:47 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

The 1st graduate for the 97th Graduation in English and Literature Department was addressed to Ahmad Muzzammil who was born in Ujung Jampea on October 14th, 2001. He was actively involved in the classroom activities. Besides, he also joined several community and English meeting clubs. At the beginning of the semester as a freshman, he attended lectures face-to-face in class, but in the following semester, all lecture activities changed to online until semester 6 "The Covid-19 pandemic takes up a lot of time to stay at home and hometown so that the vibes of lectures are less felt," he said. In spending the time in the pandemic, he joined International Exchange Online Class together with ECC students from Japan for 7 meetings. Sometimes he was active in public speaking as Master of Ceremony and moderator. As a result, he was the delegation from the Faculty of Adab and Humanities who participated in University-level Protocol training carried out in UIN Alauddin Makassar. Thus, he was also active again to join the volunteer community which is called Eliot's Letters and became the president until now. Based on those activities, he has got many valuable experiences in his life and certainly supported his study at the English and Literature Department.


When conducting the internship at the English and Literature Department office for 45 working days.  He arranged EBC program (English Basic Clinic) which was intended for The 1st and the 2nd semester students in English and Literature Department. The program was presented by mentors and co-mentors who are already experts in their fields.


At the beginning of his college years, some friends said that it was very difficult to graduate in this department and most students graduated more than 4 years. By having great gratitude he finally proved that he becomes the first students from the 2019 year who has finished his study in less than 4 years. He thanked the Head of the Department and Secretary of the Department of English and Literature, the lecturers and staff of the department, especially to Dr. Umar Thamrin, S.Ag., M.Hum., MA. and Syahruni Junaid. S.S., M.Pd. as his supervisors, and Helmi Syukur, S.Pd.I., M.P.d. and Dr. Muh. Taufik, S.S., M.Hum. as the examiners. Finally, he also thanks to his classmates from AG 1-2 (Elite Fah) for all the support.

(Jumharia Djamereng)