Department of English Language and Literature (BSI) Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Alauddin Makassar again held a Visiting Lecture and National Seminar. The theme was "Critical Theory in Literary Studies." The activity was carried out twice in the meeting session, the first session of the Visiting Lecture was held on Wednesday, October 5, 2023 at 8.00 am and the second meeting of the National Seminar was held on the same day at 10.00 am.
In this Visiting lecture and National Seminar activity, BSI presented expert and competent speakers, namely lecturers from the Faculty of Humanities UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, namely Dr. Hj. Istiadah, M.A and Dr. Mundi Rahayu, M.Hum. This activity was attended by around 100 BSI students and lecturers. With this activity, students are expected to be able to apply the knowledge gained, especially in research in the fields of linguistics and literature.
Visiting Lecture is a guest lecture that invites speakers from outside parties and involves students to participate in the event to gain new knowledge. The Visiting Lecture system is like lectures in general, it's just different from the usual conditions.
The theme this time is quite interesting because of the arrival of speakers who are very experienced in the field of literature. Students were very enthusiastic when participating in the activity, they actively asked questions in the event.
Dr. Irvan Mulyadi, S.Ag, S.S, M.A as Vice Dean II in his speech was very impressed and appreciated the collaboration between BSI and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. "We are very grateful for the arrival of the speaker who can provide new knowledge to students, hopefully this activity can be a place for synergy and collaboration between the two campuses for the achievement of superior institutions. To achieve an institutional progress cannot be done alone, but must collaborate and partner with various parties, especially with fellow Faculties of Adab and Humanities," said this Australian alumnus.
In the Visiting Lecture, Dr. Mundi Rahayu, M.Hum explained the purpose of Critical Discourse analysis, namely dismantling, examining and critiquing how language and discourse are used to achieve social goals, including building social cohesion and social change in society.
In the National Seminar Dr. Hj. Istiadah, M.A presented the results of his research entitled "The State Violence in the Novel The Years of the Voiceless: Impediments to Rural Women's Agency". The novel is a translation of the original novel titled "Entrok" by Okky Madasari. Set in 1950-1999, this novel deals with discrimination, oppression and coercion by powerful and armed people. Meanwhile, Dr. Mundi Rahayu, M.Hum dissected the film titled "The Children of Heaven" revolving around when young Ali accidentally loses the only pair of shoes his younger sister Zahra has, the siblings try to hide the bad news from their poor father and sick mother. They devise a scheme to share a pair of Ali's worn-out sneakers until they can find a new pair for Zahra. "This film is a representation of the phenomenon of society, including Indonesian society", explained the national film critic.
Writer: Sandra Dewi Dahlan