Understanding Cultural Diversity to Build a Creative Generation (Evening Reflection of BSI Students)

  • 24 November 2023
  • 11:47 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

HMJ English Language and Literature answers challenges in understanding cultural diversity. On Friday, November 24, 2023. HMJ invited International Students, Abdullah Thaha, Syamsul Arief Ghalib and Rosmah Tami to explain their perception of multicultural education. The seminar was titled Cross Cultural Education. Cultural Asipration and the Spirit of Nationalism to Create a Creative Young Generation.

The seminar revealed English Literature students' longing for the need to broaden their understanding of other people's cultures. They realize that by studying English literature their range of knowledge will be wider, their reading will be more abundant, their access will be wide open so it is very likely that they will encounter a variety of cultural diversity, knowledge, perceptions and behaviors. Readiness for this cultural encounter must be anticipated mentally and conceptually. Therefore, bringing Abdullah Thoha and hearing him tell his experiences is something that has its own meaning. Abdullah told us about his country Iraq, which has a rich history and culture, but he had to leave it because of the war. His rich country became the target of many superpowers.

Syamsul Arief Ghalib, is a lecturer in the faculty of Ushuluddin. He has lived his life as a nomad in several countries. He shared his experience of being a minority, and emphasized the importance of cooperation to survive. Being in a comfort zone will not build a resilient soul and mentality. Therefore, he advised participants to migrate to build their perspective and mental resilience. All of this must start with a dream, said Arief. Arief is now preparing to go to Australia to continue his PhD in January.

Rosmah Tami didn't say much, just told us about the success story of a Prophet in the best story of the Qur'an. According to her, surah Yusuf is for young people so that they can prepare and anticipate what they will face in life. He agreed with Arief that everything must start from a dream. Therefore, BSI students must prepare themselves to be able to dream beautifully. All of that depends on the ritual before bedtime so that sleep is more qualified and can wake up earlier. Bedtime rituals include affirmations about the desired future and full surrender to God, staying away from games and social media. Quality of life is largely determined by the quality of sleep, and to get quality sleep, one must consistently exercise.

The event lasted from 10.00 am for the opening which was accompanied by Vice Dean III. Dr. Nurkholis Gaffar, M.Ag, and the discussion took place after Friday from 13.30 to 16.00. HMJ English Literature Language, Dimas Prasetyo and his staff have successfully completed the event well, and provided their colleagues with a memorable experience.

Writter: Sandra Dewi Dahlan