Secretary of the Department of FAH UIN Alauddin Makassar Participates in FGD: Exploring Regional Potential for Community Service

  • 20 Desember 2023
  • 11:42 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

Makassar, 18 to 19 December 2023. Department Secretaries from the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Alauddin Makassar participated in Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities organized by the Center for Community Service (PPM) LP2M UIN Alauddin Makassar. This agenda aims to explore the potential of the region in the context of community service.

This activity took place at Vasaka Hotel Makassar, this FGD is planned to be a means to explore the potential of the area which will be used as a basis for implementing programs managed by LP2M under the direction of Dr. H. M. Saleh Ridwan.

Dr. H. M. Saleh Ridwan, Head of the Center for Community Service, explained that the main focus of this activity is to formulate work programs that will be implemented in the target villages based on study programs.

"This forum is a space for exploring regional potential to support more effective community service programs," said Dr. H. M. Saleh Ridwan.

In this series of events, there will be several key speakers such as Dr. H. Irham Djalil, M.Pd., who will represent the Barru District Government, and Dr. H. Firdaus, S.Ag., M.Si., who will represent the Gowa District Government.

The discussion will be guided by three trusted moderators, Dr. Fadli Andi Natsir, Dr. H. Ibrahim, and Hj. Nur Al Marwah Asrul, M.Kes.

Forty participants from the Faculties of Universitas Alauddin Makassar, including the Department Secretaries, have confirmed their commitment to participate in this FGD. A number of LP2M officials have participated in informal discussions with some of the participants who were already present before the event began.

The active participation of the Department Secretaries in this activity is expected to make a meaningful contribution in formulating service programs that are more targeted and have a real positive impact on the community in the surrounding area.

Writter: Sandra Dewi Dahlan