Samata (Friday,
19/02/21). English Language and Literature Department Faculty of Adab and
Humanities UIN Alauddin Makassar conducted an online sharing session about How to Write Self Evaluation Sheet or
also known as Lembar Evaluasi Diri on
Friday afternoon, 19 February 2021. This event was conducted due to the
reaccreditation process of the study program.
Department invited
two speakers from other universities who are well-experienced in making
Self-Evaluation Sheet. The first speaker is Dr. Rusdiana Djunaid, Grad.Dipl.
TESOL, M.Hum., MA., the dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo, and the second speaker is Dr. Saefuddin, M.Si,
the secretary of Development and Quality Assurance of Education (LPPMP)
Universitas Halu Oleo.
During the
discussion, both speakers explained the elements that should be and should not
be included in LED, as well as how to write a clear and well-structured evaluation.
Moreover, they also insisted the importance of collaboration between LKPS and
LED team in filling the form because both data must coherent and cohesive.
Because the
program was held online plus offline, some participants join via zoom and some
other come to Senat room, Faculty of Adab and Humanities. The participants of
the event enthusiastically followed the sharing session till the end. Indeed,
they also asked some questions related to LED writing process.
*By Ahmad, M.Litt.