Opening Internship Student Program of English and Literature Department

  • 03 Januari 2023
  • 08:02 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

The internship student program of the English and Literature Department presents 3 programs Presentation Clinic, English Basic Clinic (EBC), and Soft Launching of GPM Website. This program was officially opened by the first vice dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. Andi Ibrahim, S.Ag., S.S., M.Pd, and was attended by head of English and Literature Department, Dr. Jumharia Djamerreng, M.Pd on 2nd, January 2023. Presentation Clinic and English Basic Clinic were carried out gradually for 1 week. The purpose of Presentation Clinic is to help students, especially in the seventh semester, prepare for the proposal seminar, result seminar, and thesis examination. While English Basic Clinic program helps freshman students improve their basic english skills focusing on listening and speaking skills. 

Writer : Mulki