Attending International Conference and ADIA Forum in Padang

  • 07 Juni 2023
  • 11:00 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

Association of lecturers who are involved in Faculty of Cultural Sciences organized by  The Religion Ministry carried out the International Conference on 4th - 5th  June 2023 in ZHM Premiere Padang. This program were arranged in two days that presented the keynote speakers from Malaya University, Leiden University and UIN Imam Bonjol who delivered their presentation in the first day. The conference was opened officially by the Rector of UIN Imam Bonjol Prof. Dr. Hj. Martin Kustati, M.Pd. It was also attended by the Governor of West Sumatera H. Mahyeldi Ansyarullah, SP. who really appreciated this program as the one strategy to promote  tourism in West Sumatera. The conference invited the deans, deans deputies, the head and secretaries of departments in the Faculty of Adab and Humanitiesas the participants. Some lecturers were also participated in the event.

The 1st day of conference also was arranged for parallel presentation in which involved studies of English and Arabic Linguistic and Literature that were conducted in one room, while the studies related to Indonesia Civilization History and Library Science were  arranged different room. Based on the conference theme “Rethinking Paradigm of Humanities Studies in 5.0 Era. Interpreting Language, Culture and Literacy in Strengthening Religious Modernization” the conference was enthusiastically responded by many researchers from local researchers and neighbouring countries like Malaysia and Thailand. Moreover, it also provided chance to the students who interested to present their papers. Certainly, it is really benefit for them to practice how to conduct research and present the result in the forum. After presentation session, it was also provided the session for forum group discussion for all departments. The LITA forum that was attended by the English and Literature Department from UIN Alauddin Makassar, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, UIN Sulthan Thaha Jambi, UIN Sunan Kalijogo Yogyakarta , UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UIN Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung and UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta. The FGD resulted some decisions related to program development organized by LITA. This session was attended by the president of LITA (Linguistics and Literature Association) Dr. Meinarni Susilowati, M.Ed. There were some programs and policies that were formulated through this forum, such as;  regular seminar, cooperation in the term of education and public services as the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM curriculum) among campuses. Finally, the conference officially closed by the governor’s representative at the Governor Hall after presenting traditional dance from West Sumatera and dinner party.

The last day the committee also provided city tour for the participant to explore some destination around Padang city namely; Grand Mosque, Manis Beach where Malin Kundang  Stone located and Siti Nurbaya Bridge. At the time, the conference participants were also escorted visit new campus of Imam Bonjol that located in Sungai Bangek Padang city.  

 (Jumharia Djamereng)