BSI Lecturers participate in the Strengthening Religious Moderation Programs

  • 15 Maret 2023
  • 08:22 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

After receiving the TOT for Strengthening Religious Moderation, the trainers are expected to become an extension of the Ministry of Religious Affairs program to convey the idea of ​​Religious Moderation. In this regard, several lecturers of English and literature Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar who have attended the TOT are involved in various Ministry of Ministry of Religious Affairsprograms.

                  Among them is Prof. Dr. Barsihannor, M.Ag who often gets assignments to go to the regions to conduct Religious Moderation training at various agencies. In addition, the English and literature Department Lecturer, Sandra Dewi Dahlan, S.Pd., M.A was also appointed by the Central Religious Moderation Working Group to give training for Madrasah leaders in the Gorontalo province. The event is entitled “the Pioneer Orientation Activities to Strengthen Religious Moderation for Civil Servants in the Gorontalo province”. The training was held from Wednesday-Friday, March 15-17 2023 at the Gorontalo Hajj Hotel which was attended by dozens of Madrasah leaders. Other Facilitators who were involved in the team were Donald Tungkagi from IAIN Gorontalo and instructor Fawaizul Umam from UIN KHAS Jember.

                  It is hoped that this activity will enable civil servants in Gorontalo to carry out their duties and daily activities in line with the values ​​of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, which are inclusive, democratic, egalitarian and moderate, humanist, non-discriminatory, courageous and non-violent.