Briefing of BSI Internship Students Batch IV in 2023

  • 03 Oktober 2023
  • 03:28 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

Wednesday October 3, 2023. Held at LT Faculty of Adab and Humanities, the Department of English Language and Literature held a BSI Internship Student Briefing batch 4. 

This activity was attended by all 7th semester students as interns. The materials provided were Actualization of Language Competence in Society by Waode Surya Darmadali, S.Hum., M.Hum, Islamic Ethics in Organization and Society by Sandra Dewi Dahlan, S.Pd., M.A. and Actualization of Literary Competence in Society by Dr. Nasrum, S.S., MA. 

The students will carry out an internship for 60 days at the institution of their choice and this briefing is expected to be a provision for students to apply all the knowledge they have gained in lectures. Especially students are expected to be able to prioritize a moderate and professional attitude in carrying out their duties as well as being a driving agent in society

Writer: Sandra Dewi Dahlan