Students Majoring in BSI Won 2nd Place in a National-Level Poetry Reading Competition in Commemoration of Sumpah Pemuda in Lhoksonawe Aceh

  • 30 Oktober 2023
  • 10:33 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

Gowa, 30 October 2023. One of the Adab and Humanities students from the BSI department Won 2nd Place for a National-Level Poetry Reading Competition in order to enliven the youth pledge day in Lhoksonawe Aceh in 2020. The competition system itself has an assessment system by sending video to YouTube media where the competition takes place during the Covid-19 Period. 

Although that year was said to be a closed Period for young people to produce a work, it did not rule out the possibility for one of the BSI students named Aimanul Hakim to create a work that was able to bring him to Win the National Level Poetry Competition with a Poem entitled "Pemuda Mana Tombak mu."  

According to Aiman, the poem has a very deep meaning about the condition of young people at that time, the spear in question is a pointed bamboo weapon used by the Indonesian people to fight colonialism in the past, symbolized also as a spirit that young people must always have to remain strong against at that time. The word in the form of motivation that is always used by Aiman is "Self-affirmation is a very important thing for ourself because through that we can make ourselves better and try to accept the circumstances that are owned by ourself."

Writer: Sandra Dewi Dahlan