Simultaneous Inauguration of the Student Organizations of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities

  • 27 Januari 2024
  • 04:33 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

 [Faculty of Adab and Humanities, January 19, 2024] - In an event filled with excitement and enthusiasm, the Faculty of Adab and Humanities held the simultaneous inauguration of the new executives of the Student Organizations at the [Faculty of Adab and Humanities], on Friday, January 19, 2024. This inauguration event was filled with enthusiasm from both the new and existing members of the organizations.

The inaugurated Student Organizations include the Faculty Student Council (DEMA-FAH), the Faculty Student Senate (SEMA-FAH), the Association of Arabic Language and Literature Students (HMJ-BSA), the Association of Library Science Students (HMJ-IP), the Association of Islamic Civilization History Students (HMJ-SPI), and the Association of English Language and Literature Students (HMJ-BSI).

During the inauguration event, several important agendas were conducted solemnly and in an organized manner. The event began with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by speeches from the outgoing executives.

After the reading of the appointment letters, the inauguration ceremony took place. The new executives were called forward one by one to take their oath of office and receive the symbols of their respective positions. The inauguration ceremony was conducted with solemnity, showcasing the commitment of the new executives in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

The results of the inauguration established Fikri as the Chairman of DEMA-FAH, Siti Arbainna as the Chairman of SEMA-FAH, Aldi P as the Chairman of HMJ-SPI, Sri Nuraini as the Chairman of HMJ-IP, Nur Ramadani as the Chairman of HMJ-BSA, and Aldhita Dzakiyyah Adnan as the Chairman of HMJ-BSI. The event was concluded with a closing speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Dr. H. Basrihannor, M.Ag.



Author:Nur Ulil Albab & Arbi Irwansa