Being one of the class of 2020 who
managed to complete their studies faster, Amsur, a student of English Language
and Literature, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Alauddin Islamic State University of Makassar shared tips and tricks for achieving the Cum Laude title
which can be a reference for friends.
“Tips and tricks to be able to
graduate cum laude, in my opinion the key is to be diligent, at the end of
semester 6 I was diligent in reading more references, diligently asking
seniors, diligently opening international journals, and never missing guidance
time with the supervisor. I also use social media such as tiktok and instagram
to find a lot of information from online lecturers who are active on social media,
all the things I have gotten I will communicate to the supervisor for better
results and also evaluate for better results, because diligence is the key,
prayers from parents and support from friends are also needed for a better mood
in completing the thesis.” He said at the Judiciary on March 25, 2024.
In essence, being diligent and disciplined is the key to achieving what you want, and determination and support from the people around you are also needed.