Lecturer in English Language and Literature at the Alauddin Islamic State University of Makassar, Waode Surya Darma, S.S., M.Hum, was a speaker at three different locations, UKI Toraja, SMAN 1 North Toraja and SMAN 2 North Toraja.

  • 08 Juli 2024
  • 01:21 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

Accepted an invitation from Education USA Makassar to share experiences about participating in the YSEALI PFP (Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Professional Fellows Program) program in the United States. On this occasion, Waode Surya also shared his experience when invited by the Kendra Scott Women Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute at The University of Texas at Austin.

Waode Surya shares inspiring stories about his life with his host family who are also his supervisors. While in Austin, Waode Surya had the valuable opportunity to be a guest lecturer at The McCombs School of Business, which is one of the leading business schools at The University of Texas at Austin. "Teaching at McCombs School provided an extraordinary experience, broadening my horizons about business education and enriching my teaching skills," he said.

The hope expressed by Waode Surya Darma in this activity is none other than that through this activity it can inspire more young people to pursue international education and experience and prepare them to become future leaders who are competent and have a global perspective.