English Language and Literature lecturers attended the Scientific Article Writing Workshop

  • 11 Juli 2024
  • 01:49 WITA
  • Administrator
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English Language and Literature lecturers attended the Workshop on Writing Scientific Articles in Reputable International Journals on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 9 and 10, 2024. This activity was organized by the Research and Publishing Center of the Institute for Research and Community Service and took place for two days at the Sultan Alauddin Hotel & Convention Makassar. Participants in this workshop were lecturers, researchers, and journal managers from various departments at the Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.

This activity was officially opened by the Secretary of LP2M, Prof. Andi Marjuni. In his opening speech, Prof. Marjuni expressed his hope that this workshop could provide the participants with the necessary provisions to improve the quality and quantity of their scientific publications. He also appreciated the enthusiasm of the participants, who took part in this workshop with great enthusiasm and dedication.

By holding this workshop, it is hoped that lecturers, researchers, and journal managers can improve their skills in writing scientific articles and be able to publish their work in reputable international journals, thereby contributing to improving the quality of academics and research in Indonesia. Primarily, the Department of English Language and Literature