Implementation of the Sociolinguistics Course Learning Method: English Language and Literature Department Visits Al Badar Parepare Islamic Boarding School by Applying the Research-Based Education Method

  • 16 Juni 2022
  • 11:50 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

As a form of implementation of the sociolinguistics course, Class AG2 of the English Language and Literature Department visited Al Badar Parepare Islamic Boarding School with the aim of applying the results of lectures during 16 meetings in one semester, because in addition to learning about theory, students are required to be able to apply it in society, and one of them is by using the research-based education method.

Research-based education is a teaching technique carried out by students who are required to be able to explore or develop knowledge through educational problems faced and try to find solutions to the problems faced, an element of the research-based method.

This activity was carried out on June 14, 2022, attended by AG2 class students and accompanied by the lecturer in charge of the course Dr. Djumharia Djamereng, M. Hum. Of course, the students who visited received a warm welcome from the head of the Islamic boarding school, Ustadz Nasrulhaq Muiz, who gave his appreciation to the students who taught at the Islamic boarding school with the hope that this activity would not be interrupted and would always be held every year.