UIN Alauddin Makassar Students and Alumni Serve as Tutors in FEZ EZPZ Program

  • 25 September 2024
  • 08:12 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

Makassar, 22 September 2024 – Two individuals from the Department of English Language and Literature at UIN Alauddin Makassar have taken on prominent roles as tutors in the FEZ EZPZ (Fun and Free English Zone) initiative. The program features Nur Jannah, an active student, and Muh. Yusril Abidin, S.Hum, an alumni of the department, as key facilitators of the sessions.

FEZ EZPZ, which stands for "Fun and Free English Zone," is an English language learning program held every Sunday from 10 AM to 2 PM at the historic Fort Rotterdam in Makassar. The program has been running since 2023, offering free and engaging English learning opportunities for participants of all backgrounds.

Both Nur Jannah and Yusril are actively involved in EZPZ, an acronym for Elevating Zeniths of Proficiency and Zest, where they serve as community organizers and tutors. Before each Sunday session, the team members undergo their own English course preparation to ensure they deliver effective lessons to participants.

In an interview, Nur Jannah expressed her insights on the challenges of English education in Indonesia, saying:
"One of the barriers to learning English in Indonesia is that educational institutions and curricula often focus heavily on grammar without adequately developing speaking and listening skills. Language is naturally controlled by the mind through feedback from hearing and mouth positioning. To address this, EZPZ has brought innovation into English learning by creating a curriculum that not only focuses on grammar but also gradually builds speaking and listening skills. This allows EZPZ to provide a space for the public to practice English in all aspects."

The FEZ EZPZ program continues to grow in popularity, offering a fresh approach to English learning and creating an inclusive environment where participants can enhance their language proficiency in a supportive community.

For more information, visit Fort Rotterdam every Sunday and experience English learning with FEZ EZPZ.