Internship Letter Processing in English Language and Literature Department Continues to Experience High Demand

  • 26 September 2024
  • 02:39 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

September 26, 2024,  the process of handling internship recommendation letters in the Department of English Language and Literature remains active, with many students seeking the required documents. Students applying for internships need to obtain a recommendation letter signed by the Head of the Department of English Language and Literature to proceed with their placement applications.

One of the students currently managing her internship paperwork, Mega Riskiyatul Mashfufah. S, shared her experience, stating, “Processing the internship letter often feels like solving a puzzle. Between the excitement of starting the internship and the exhaustion of handling all the paperwork, my emotions are all over the place.”

Despite the high number of student requests, the Head of the Department, Dr. Rosmah Tami, S. Ag, M. Se, M.A, continues to warmly welcome and assist students in completing their requirements.