Pembekalan Magang 2020

  • 15 September 2020
  • 09:07 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

Pada Senin dan Selasa 14-15 September 2020 BSI mengadakan Pembekalan Magang kepada para mahasiswa semester VII peserta Magang TA 2020 yang berjumlah sekitar 118 mahasiswa. Kegiatan ini dibuka oleh Wakil Dekan I Bapak Dr. Andi Ibrahim, M.Ag dan Pemateri di hari pertama salah satunya adalah Dr. H. Barsihannor, M.Ag dengan tema Etika Berislam dalam masyarakat. 

On Monday and Tuesday 14-15 September 2020 English and Literature held an apprenticeship briefing for the seventh semester students participating in the 2020 TA internship, totaling around 118 students. This activity was opened by the vice dean I Mr, Dr. Andi Ibrahim , M.Ag and the speakers on the first day were Dr. H. Barsihannor, M.Ag with the theme of Islamic Ethics in Society.On Monday and Tuesday 14-15 September 2020 English and Literature held an apprenticeship briefing for the seventh semester students participating in the 2020 TA internship, totaling around 118 students. This activity was opened by the vice dean I Mr, Dr. Andi Ibrahim , M.Ag and the speakers on the first day were Dr. H. Barsihannor, M.Ag with the theme of Islamic Ethics in Society.

By Waode Surya Darmadali, M.Hum