English and literature department conducted mentoring of accreditation forms for 9 criteria on 12th October 2020. This activity was
attended by the chairman and the team of quality assurance agency Alauddin
Islamic state university, deans, and all vice deans of Adab and Humanities
Faculty as well as most of the English and literature accreditation form teams.
it was done in preparation for filling out the accreditation forms. Prof. Ahmad
Abubakar as the chairman of the quality assurance agency said that 4 main
things must be fulfilled in the accreditation form criteria 9 to get excellent
accreditation. The first was the permanent lecturers of the study program must
be following the number of students, currently, there are 14 lecturers and 701
students who are registered in the higher education data system.
secondly, it was the curriculum that
should be revised at least once every 5 years, apart from having to be based on
the Indonesian National Curriculum Framework, the English language and
literature curriculum must also be integrated into the independent learning
curriculum. This is important because it was a national program of the ministry
and culture of Indonesia, so one of the assessment criteria is the integration
of the independent learning concept into the learning process.
the third was the internal quality assurance
system which must be active and control all systems that are running in the
direction. in general, the quality assurance system was a process that ensures
that all characteristics run according to standards through academic documents.
the quality of assurance committee which was formed by the faculty. it has the
most important role in this case, which must actively evaluate and control all
processes carried out in the department.
fourth, the important thing was the
outcome or achievement of the study program, which meant that the user
satisfaction of the alumni. the sooner the alumni get a job, the better the
quality of the study program. tracer alumni were needed to ensure that they get
jobs based on English and literature’s competence.
as a closing statement, the dean of adab and humanities the faculty, Dr. Hasyim Haddade advised the entire team to maximize their efforts so that the English and literature can get excellent accreditation in 2021.
By Nirwana, M.Pd.