In the effort to proceed the accreditation based on IAPS 4.0 (Study Program Accreditation Instrument), BAN-PT (National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education suggests to arrange and complete some instruments in order to fulfil the requirements. Based on the valuation of BAN-PT, it has been extended the previous score “B” since June 15th 2021. Therefore, English and Literature Department conducted the organization of Conversion Supplement Instrument) (ISK) which is held in Sultan Alauddin Hotel and Convention at Sultan Alauddin street Makassar on May 25th - 27th 2022.
The program was followed by 25 English and Literature Department lecturers and staffs that supervised by the secretary of Quality Assurance Agency (Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu) State Islamic University Alauddin Makassar, Irwan, SSi., M.Si.
Furthermore, the head of English and English Department, Dr. Jumharia Djamereng said that the committee had committed and worked hardly to arrange and complete the instruments that assisted by the head of Quality Assurance Centre, Dr. Sardian Maharani, M.Pd. She hopes that the committee can successfully arrange the instrument in order the accreditation can be shifted from “B” to “very good” based 9 criteria. After completing the arrangement, the result will be submitted by Quality Assurance Agency (LPM) in the middle of June 2022.