Internship Students Held a Webinar : "The Existence Of Journalism On Social Media"

  • 19 Januari 2023
  • 01:16 WITA
  • Administrator
  • Berita

The students of English and Literature Department UIN Alauddin Makassar who cunducted Intership program in PT. Mangathara Media Indonesia, with the Title "The Existence of Journalism on the Social Media", organized webinar as additional Internship program on Wednesday (18/01/2023). This event intended to to remind the public about the importance of consuming verified information on the social media.

During the Webinar activity, there were 2 speakers invited, namely Dr. Muhammad Taufik S.S., M.Hum as  the lecturer of English and Literature Department UIN Alauddin Makassar and Kasmirullah Amrin works as Journalist of  Ujaran and he is the student of English and Literature Department UIN Alauddin Makassar. In their presentation, the first speaker described about development of news media nowadays.

"So we can feel how fast the world of journalism is currently moving when print media, including newspapers are facing a drop from year to year because of online media," he said.

Meanwhile, the second speaker explained that technological advancement is a challenge for the journalism world. “Technological development is a challenge for the world of journalism. The reason is, to exist on the social media. Journalism must compete with algorithm in which messages tend to follow what users want that sometimes it is contradicted with the function of journalism which required to provide information that is really needed by the netizen," he explained.

In the meantime, the Head of English and Literature department, Dr. Jumharia Djamereng, M. Hum. really appreciates this event, she said the activity can help the users of social media, especially young people, can be wiser in choosing the right information. Netizen may understand ethics in using social media and will not easily accept and share hoax news. Furthermore, she added that the English and Literature Department is closely related to journalism since it is one of the subjects in the curriculum. This event will also enlighten students knowledge about the world of journalism.

Writter. Abdul Munir